CTP Constructeur offers its assistance to ensure the start-up, training and troubleshooting of your equipment or machines troubleshooting.
We work in work site or in your workshop to offer you many services regarding the use of road equipement and machines dedicated to the production.
Phone number : 04 66 54 28 80
E-mail : commercial@ctp-constructeur.fr
Phone number : 04 66 54 28 85
E-mail : pieces@ctp-constructeur.fr
Phone number : 04 66 54 28 81
E-mail : sav30@ctp-constructeur.fr
To be attentive to our customers and to respond favorably to their request, a team is present at the assistance service of CTP Constructeur. Technicians moves throughout France and abroad to ensure the start-up, training and repair of your materials and equipment.
CTP Constructeur also offers the supply of spare parts.
Our team is at your disposal to answer at your needs and to offer you the solutions best suited to your request.
Spare parts
CTP Constructeur provides the spare parts which you have need, and this as soon as possible (from 24 to 72 hours according to stock).
Our after-sales service ensures technical assistance for all repairs, on work site, in our workshops or by phone (hotline).
The training and start-up are carried out by our technicians on site for 2 days. The various training courses offered are adapted to your needs and allow you the best control (driving / handling) of road equipment and machines of production.
CTP Constructeur has a registration number to realize training as part of professional training.
Our team of technicians moves in France and abroad to check the settings and training you in real time on the proper functioning of your equipment and machine.
For all information concerning our assistance, troubleshooting, training or start-up of of your equipment, don’t hesitate to contact us by phone, email or through the contact form below